Liverpool: 64 matches, 1 Liverpool player sent off, (second yellow) 5 opponents sent off, (4 straight reds.) 17 penalties awarded to Liverpool, 7 to their opponents.
Man City: 60 matches, 1 players sent off, 2 opponents sent off. 11 penalties awarded to MC, 8 for their opponents.
Arsenal: 61 matches, 7 Arsenal players sent off (3 straight reds) 5 opponents sent off (2 straight reds.) 5 penalties awarded to Arsenal, 14 penalties awarded to opponents.
Net nėr ką ir bešnekėt
na taip klysta visi,bet vartininku klaidos kainuoja brangiausiai. O Sanchez klysta per daznai ir labai silpnai zaidzia kojomis. Realiai ziurint i kiek Chelsea turi vartininku ir tik Sanchez zaidzia dazniausiai starte,tai baisu isivaizduot koki ten tie atsarginiai. Manau Petrovic irgi turejo trukumu bet jis buvo uztikrintesnis ir stabilesnis vartininkas..